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This study group is temporarily off. 


  Host1 Host2
9/26 Shane Howard
10/3 Lisa Audrey
? Denise Lucas
? Howard New



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Q1. Do you know any story related to Moon or Moon Festival? Please share with us.

Q2. What are you doing during the Mid-Autumn Festival?

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FIFA World Cup 2018: The Money Behind The Biggest Event In Sports

, I cover sports business with rare dips into b-schools, local economies  

The World Cup kicks off on Thursday with a single match between host nation Russia and Saudi Arabia. There will be an additional 47 games over the next two weeks during the group stage, as the draw gets cut from 32 teams to 16. The World Cup Final is scheduled for July 15.

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Dear SP English club friends:

The upcoming Taipei mayoral election is drawing near in 6 months. For this meeting we would

like to positively and constructively discuss our thoughts and opinions about past and current elections 

in Taiwan. Of course we're not experts and our knowledge is not necessarily deep and precise. So, we need 

to recruit new blood and inspiration into our English club to brainstorm. 

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1.  In your experience, please share any stories about the gender preference of a child in a family.
2. Do you have gender preference for a child? Why?

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Q1. What are the differences between Airbandb and hotels? Is Airbandb safe?

Q2. Have you ever stayed in Airbandb host on your trip? What are the things you should know before you book Airbandb? Will you consider to stay in Airbandb/hotel for your nest trip?


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Before watching the talks, think of the question "How will you measure your life?"


Do you agree with the speaker? Please share your opinion.

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Florida school shooting 


source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoneman_Douglas_High_School_shooting



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Source: https://www.popsci.com/article/science/neuroscientist-who-wants-upload-humanity-computer


1. If the techniqes have been developed, would you upload your mind? Why or why not?

2. What problems do you think will be caused by uploading human's mind? 


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Dallas buyers club is a real story between 1980 and 1990, when AIDS was outbreaking, without any effective medicine to treat. At that time the drugs were under investigation, patients couldn't get access the drugs until the FDA (the authority) apporved the medicine. The death was around them, many patients tried some illegal methods to retrieve the drugs-smuggling and stealing, they just didn't want to die, desperately.  Matthew McConaughey(as Ron, a cowboy, who found the buyer club) and Jared Leto(as Rayon, a transgender woman, who help Ron in the story) in the film won the Academy Award for Best Actor and for Best Supporting Actor respectively.

1. The trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_OcVBxt-Ug

2. The brief introduction about the movie: see Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dallas_Buyers_Club

3. What did the real Dallas buyer club look like? https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-true-story-behind-dallas-buyers-club-meet-the-real-ron-woodruff

4. What's the outlook from medical expertise http://www.uab.edu/medicine/news/latest/item/354-does-an-aids-doctor-buy-dallas-buyers-club

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Q: Have you ever try to persuade(influence) someone to/ not to do something?
    Please describe how and what you did.

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This song is flexura primativus of 蔡依林's 日不落

Q1. Long distance love is a challenge to a  loving couple?  Even the mordem facilities can't overcome the vital weakness?

Q2. Do you know how to maintain LDR ( long distance relationship) ?

Here are some tips for your reference:

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Sourse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9Ilvsza8IE


Q1. When you are alone, are you willing to have a cohousing style life?

Q2. What are the advantages of living in cohousing, and what are some disadvantages?


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Q1. Do you like the idea about AI politician? Why or why not?
Q2. If AI politician really perform better than human politicians,  will you agree to let it govern humans?

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Source: http://econewsnetwork.org/2017/04/environmentally-conscious-wedding-trends/


1. How do you think about eco-friendly lifestyles?

2. Which eco-friendly ideas do you want to try? How?

3. What kind of wedding do you expect?

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Please visit the website, and you might try to calculate the total daily nutrition you should have if you were on a ketogenic diet.

1. Please share the results with us.

2. What're your concerns toward ketogenic diet?

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Richard Branson left school at the age of 16 and set up Student Magazine with one of his friends. He went on to start Virgin Records in the 1970s and is the founder of the Virgin Group. In the 1980s he formed Virgin Atlantic airline and the 1990s saw the arrival of Virgin Mobile and Virgin Trains. 

He is one of the most successful businessmen in the UK and an icon of entrepreneurship. His latest project is Virgin Galactic, which he hopes will one day become a space tourism company. 

Here are his Top Ten Tips for success:

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Source: https://international.thenewslens.com/article/31083



Foreigner's Perspective: Traditional Markets in Taiwan

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For reasons of environmental protection, Taichung City Government decided not to hold a fireworks show this year.

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