Are you satisfied with what you have now? Are you chasing a better life?
The OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)
has unveiled a new, interactive index that will let people measure and
compare their lives in a way that goes beyond traditional GDP numbers.
Called Your Better Life Index, the tool is part of a larger OECD Better Life
Initiative that aims to measure well-being and progress. The index allows
citizens to compare lives across 34 countries, based on 11 dimensions --
housing, income, jobs, community, education, environment, governance,
health, life satisfaction, safety, work-life balance -- giving their own weight
to each of the dimensions.
1. Have you ever been to any of the top 10 countries with highest ranking? Share with us.
Or what do you think of these countries? How can they get the highest ranking?
2. Do you appreciate your life? If not, how will you improve it? Any practical ways?
3. In the 11 dimensions for evaluating Better Life Index, which one is the most
important reference resource to you? Why?