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Top Casino Tricks guide


Casinos are primarily established to make profits, and to achieve this objective, they have formulated “cleaver” schemes. Never be fooled that you can win against a casino for long, they always have a way of getting their money back if you are not careful. Casinos operators have studied the human mind well, and they know just the right tricks to pull so that you can part with your money. But, have you ever wondered the top casino tricks employed to make sure that it is easy for you to part with your money? Well to find out, read on…it will definitely help you to be aware every time you step into a casino.

Casino Trick 1: Alcohol

Majority of casino offer “free” alcohol. The alcohol offered contains a high percentage of alcohol for one main reason. To make you drunk in the shortest time possible. The consequence of this is that your sense of judgment becomes impaired and you cannot gamble properly. Once this objective is achieved, you will literally be giving money to the casino and by extension paying back the “free” alcohol you had been offered.

Casino Trick 2: Distortion of time

Well aware that players are time conscious, majority of the casinos have come-up with an efficient way of distorting your ability to distort time. This is achieved in the following ways: there are no windows, and there are no windows. This scheme is meant to make you stay in the casino for as long as possible and definitely you won’t be idle in the casino during this time.

Casino Trick 3: Light sound and activity

Walk into a casino and you will be amazed by the amazing environment that the designers have gone a great length in designing the right betting environment. The cacophony of light and bells ringing is simply out of this world. This creates an impression that everyone is winning and happy. There are numerous signs of “win, win, and win”……and definitely as a beginner you will be forgiven for wondering out loud why you shouldn’t not also win.

Casino Trick 4: The close shaves

Nothing irritates a player more than a close-shave. You will be left relishing for another chance to make it right this time round…this process can go on and on. As you do this, you will definitely giving money to the casino. Although you might eventually win, it will be a pyrrhic victory on your part.

Casino Trick 5: Ambiance

The ambiance offered by a casino is definitely meant to give you a feeling that everything is under control, a home kind of feel where you can get away with anything you lay your hands on. This is done by making the light low and mellow. You will definitely find a comfortable couch that is cozy and just like in a shopping mall, the music played in a casino is soft and mellow. The casinos are also spotless and well maintained.

Casino Trick 6: freebies

Well aware that we like freebies. Casinos have devised schemes to that into this. Freebies will make you feel appreciated and you will definitely want to stay longer in the casino. These freebies are well selected; you will be served with good quality foods, drinks, shows among others. These freebies will also make you come to the casino again and again.

Casino Trick 7: location of services

Essential services such as bathrooms are located far away from the gambling machine. This is a clever scheme to make you stay longer at the gambling machines, in the process you gamble more than you had planned.



impaired 受損的; (能力)減弱的

cacophony [kæˋkɑfənɪ] 雜音; 不和諧音

close shave 僥倖的脫險

relish [ˋrɛlɪʃ](+for) 興味
ex: The teacher had no relish for his jokes. 老師對他的笑話不感興趣。

pyrrhic 戰舞



Q1. Which do you think is the trickiest one in this article?

Q2. If a referendum of whether to build a casino is held in your hometown, will you cast an affirmative or negative vote? Why?

If we still have time, let's play a simple casino card game "blackjack" in English together.

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    SP: English Study Group

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