Please see the link:


In Russia, many people have whats a called a “Dash Cam” which are installed in their cars, so they can record what happens in front of them on the road.

This compilation of footage recorded by those cameras will leave you in tears, and make you believe in humanity at the same time. I’ve never witnessed

anything more beautiful. Please SHARE with friends and family.

We always think the vehicle video recorder is for the car accidents or events, but actually it records something even more beautiful than you can imagine, 

in this video you can see how people help others without any payback, so unselfish, so touched :)



1. Have you helped strangers? How do you feel? Please share with us your experiences.

2. How do you think the public media in Taiwan now?

    full of clips from youtube/dash cam/cnn or bbc clips?

    less and less international/positive news but more crap?

    創作者 toddywang 的頭像

    SP: English Study Group

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