This week let's watch a clip on youtube about two years ago, but just got my attention recently.


Lily's parents surprised Lily with a trip to Disneyland for her 6th birthday. Her reaction is priceless!

We're getting numb in this society, people don't care about each other, and feel insecure easily, 

the tragic happened on the MRT last week is so called " last straw " in these days.

I watched this clip and cried at the end, since when? I kinda lose my child inside and put on the 

mask I used to hate : (



1. Do you have a dream that you always want to complish when you're little? 

    What isit? Will you make it come true? how? 

2. When you take the MRT or any other public transportation, have you seen 

    anything weird or anything interesting, touched, ..... that you can share with us? 

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    SP: English Study Group

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