Just how much do you love your cat?

by JAMES CHAPMAN, Daily Mail

It could be the ultimate gesture of devotion for a treasured pet.


For £8,000, owners of cats with kidney disease are to be given the chance to extend their lives by giving them an organ transplant.


Members of the general council of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) gave the practice the official go-ahead at a meeting in London yesterday.



The decision sparked concern among groups, including the RSPCA, about the ethics of organ transplants in animals, in particular over their obvious lack of choice and consent.


Animal charities were also horrified at the prospect of feral or stray cats being captured and used as donors.


Other commentators said it was 'frivolous' and 'distasteful' to be discussing kidney transplants for cats when hundreds of human patients die each year while waiting for replacement organs.



The RCVS insisted that guidelines would be strictly enforced and that members of surgical teams would have to have appropriate qualifications.


The operation was pioneered in the U.S. and is already allowed there and in Australia.


It is estimated to extend the lives of sick cats by around 18 months to two years, although some have survived more than eight years beyond an operation.


Around 50,000 cats are thought to die of kidney disease every year.


The illness, also known as chronic renal failure, cannot be cured and only some cats can be treated successfully with palliative medication.


So far, kidney transplants have been approved only for cats, because the operation is thought to be safe and generally effective.


Kidney transplants in dogs - or those involving other organs - are more complicated and would have to be approved separately.


Like humans, cats have two kidneys but can survive perfectly well with just one.

Live donor


In a feline transplant operation, a kidney has to be removed from a live donor animal and then transplanted into the 'patient' - a procedure that takes around four hours.


RCVS president Stephen Ware said it was unlikely huge numbers of cat owners would want to spend £8,000 on the operation.


'It's happening successfully in the United States but not at any great level,' he said. 'There's no reason to think it will happen at any great level in the UK either.


'But as a matter of principle, it's right that it should be available to pets that need it and as an option for treatment for owners.


'It is important to note that the decision to carry out the procedure will be a clinical veterinary decision in the first instance, which will depend on the condition of the patient and the suitability of the potential source animal.'

'Unnecessary suffering'


The RSPCA warned that there was a real possibility of unnecessary suffering being caused to donor animals as a result of the operation. It said it would consider prosecuting vets who carried out the procedure under the 1911 Protection of Animals Act.


Director of veterinary services Chris Laurence said: 'For obvious reasons neither the donor nor the recipient animal would be able to make a decision based on the possible long-term health implications.


'An animal receiving a donor organ would need frequent blood testing and the animal would probably be required to use drugs for the rest of its life.'


Peter Jinman, president of the British Veterinary Association, said: 'There are big questions still to be answered, not least the welfare and sourcing of donor animals - particularly since they are not in a position to give informed consent.'


TV nature programme presenter Chris Packham also criticised the idea.


'What could be more decadent?' he said. 'Here is a society where humans have a long queue for kidneys, some of whom are dying in that queue.


'It seems a shame that cats are afforded this much attention.'


Q1 What is the solution of stray animals’ problem in Taiwan? Do you think this Kidney Transplant Program can help us out?


Q2 What role do pets play in your life? (haven’t had any pet? Just Imagine...) How much are you willing to spend to save them when they got sick?


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    SP: English Study Group

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