Trouble Falling Asleep – Sleep Better Without Nightmares!
by Chang
While most of the people are having trouble falling asleep because of their mind is just too overwhelmed with thoughts or they feel either anxious or irritated, there are others who are simply afraid of sleeping, because of nightmares… This is what I am going to talk about in this post. How to get rid of nightmares and how to enjoy a better sleep once again. When having troubles sleeping because of bad dreams it doesn’t mean that you are suffering from insomnia. You are just being obsessed by something that recently happened and that you want and need to forget as fast as possible. However, instead of getting rid of this information it comes back again over and over again, each and every night. Some people are really scared and don’t know how to get their sleep back. Nevertheless, I’m not going to go into any mysticism and will interpret nightmare as nothing more than sleep disorders. While kids also have these bad dreams, mostly adults are suffering from excessive nightmares.
Usually, when people go to sleep all they want I just to be able to rest and never think about something bad again. Your work has exhausted you too much and you can’t afford to spend more time thinking about unnecessary things. However, the least thing you need in such a situation is to experience some kind of sleeping problem because of nightmares. In most of the cases, dreams happen when you sleep, so in this particular case you are more likely to fall asleep in time. Anyways, don’t worry, because as soon as your favorite nightmare begins, you’ll soon end up with your eyes open starring at the ceiling. It seems that you don’t have any luck to rest tonight. Unfortunately, something called a nightmare exists and is keeping adults away from sleeping like they should. Most of the people are dreaming negative aspects of their immaterialized failures. The idea of this post is that adults need to learn how to save themselves from such sleeping stress and be able to calmly fall asleep again.
There are plenty of forms of nightmares that are keeping you from sleeping normally. However, you guys should know that most of them are caused by daily stress, negative emotions and depressions. If you continuously think that something bad is going to happen, this will either occur in your daily life, or in your dream, through your subconscious mind. Besides the above mentioned factors that are causing bad dreams and therefore troubling you during sleep, there are some other like alcohol, nicotine addiction, addiction in general, abuse, pregnancy and any existing psychiatric diseases and syndromes. So if you want to be able to get rid of your bad dreams in order to safely fall asleep without being worried or afraid, you first need to treat these trigger factors which are making you live the life that you are living and experience the stress that you are experiencing. If you are not happy with your life, with your sleep and with your existence in general it means that there are multiple of these factors that need to be treated, otherwise you will continue to be dominated and obsessed by bad dreams a long time from now.
In order to sleep better and to get rid of nightmares once and for all, exercises and daily 20 minutes of meditation is recommended. This has been proven to partially ease the stress levels, therefore offering you the chance to slowly advance and do the things that you have to do – improve your sleep. Our ancestors knew that if you don’t live a dynamic life you don’t have any chance to survive in this world for a long time. That’s why they practiced martial arts. That’s why they concentrated on natural ways to improve their health. That’s why they never had any serious problems of the type that we suffer from these days. It’s important to know your past if you don’t want to repeat their mistakes all over again. Exercise and meditation have been practiced for centuries know and the overall effect on the human body is absolutely fantastic. Sometimes, nightmares and hallucinations appear because of the lack of oxygen in your brain. When you exercise you stimulate the circuit of your blood and in such a way get rid of many stress factors. More water and more oxygen = a better and healthier sleep and mind.
If you want to sleep better without nightmares you need to fix your trouble falling asleep again. However, if fear is the most important element that is not letting you close your eyes, you will be required to get rid of stress whenever possible. Do meditation whenever you can because it will actually make you remember your bad dreams and help you realize that as a matter of fact there is nothing to be scarred about. Everything in this life depends on your attitude, on the way you see and treat things in life. That’s why when you start finding positive aspects in your bad dreams you can easily get rid of the trouble falling asleep and of any nightmares easily enough because you are simply ready to face these things, the consequences. Attentively meditate upon your dreams and do everything possible to learn from them. Do not let them control you, do the vice versa.
When you want to better your sleep you need to condition yourself to have happy and nice dreams or not dream at all. However, a person without dreams is a person without emotions and someone who lacks feelings is either not a being at all or is… anyway, I’m trying to say that you should use the power of autosuggestion to get things closer to you and to try and help yourself in life, in sleeping better in avoiding the trouble falling asleep. Anything I possible as long as you set a proper goal and follow it attentively. The nature of your dreams will be transformed the moment you transform your way of thinking and start practicing something that could help you improve your mind awareness.
1. Have you ever had nightmares? Could you share the nightmare if you remember?
2. Would you have sleeping disorder? How do you solve your sleeping problem?