

The stress hormone, cortisol, is public health enemy number one. Scientists have known for years that elevated cortisol levels: interfere with learning and memory, lower immune function and bone density, increase weight gain, blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease... The list goes on and on.

Chronic stress and elevated cortisol levels also increase risk for depression, mental illness, and lower life expectancy. This week, two separate studies were published in Science linking elevated cortisol levels as a potential trigger for mental illness and decreased resilience—especially in adolescence.  

Cortisol is released in response to fear or stress by the adrenal glands as part of the fight-or-flight mechanism. The fight-or-flight mechanism is part of the general adaptation syndrome defined in 1936 by Canadian biochemist Hans Selye of McGill University in Montreal. He pubished his revolutionary findings in a simple seventy-four line article in Nature, in which he defined two types of "stress": eustress (good stress) and distress (bad stress).

Both eustress and distress release cortisol as part of the general adaption syndrome. Once the alarm to release cortisol has sounded, your body becomes mobilized and ready for action—but there has to be a physical release of fight or flight. Otherwise, cortisol levels build up in the blood which wreaks havoc on your mind and body.

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Bicycle theft is a major problem in Europe, with a bike stolen every five minutes. We Love Cycling, an online magazine by Czech automaker Skoda, wanted to raise awareness and direct cyclists to take necessary measures like buying a good lock, registering their bikes, etc.

They came up with a hilarious stunt titled ‘European Bike Stealing Championship’ to determine which city is the worst when it comes to bike theft. Cycles were rigged with powder bombs and left unattended (as bait) to catch bike thieves on hidden camera. Watch below to see what happened.

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    Losing weight and getting fit has never been easier! Shed those unwanted pounds with these simple tricks your gym doesn't want you to know about. You won't believe what happens next!


    This Ben Berman directed short film, which premiered at Sundance this January, features Saturday Night Live’s Beck Bennett as a young man coping with a broken heart.

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The Panama Papers are an unprecedented leak of 11.5m files from the database of the world’s fourth biggest offshore law firm, Mossack Fonseca. The records were obtained from an anonymous source by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, which shared them with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ). The ICIJ then shared them with a large network of international partners, including the Guardian and the BBC.

What do they reveal?

The documents show the myriad ways in which the rich can exploit secretive offshore tax regimes. Twelve national leaders are among 143 politicians, their families and close associates from around the world known to have been using offshore tax havens.


A $2bn trail leads all the way to Vladimir Putin. The Russian president’s best friend – a cellist called Sergei Roldugin – is at the centre of a scheme in which money from Russian state banks is hidden offshore. Some of it ends up in a ski resort where in 2013 Putin’s daughter Katerina got married.

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1.Did you do something seriously wrong on impluse? What did you do when you were aware of your mistake? 

2.Recently, a murder: a four-year-old girl was decapitated by random shocked  wholeTaiwan society. What's your opinion on Taiwan's social safety net?

3.What do you think about current situation of our society status? What's the society problem you mostly concern?


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“The implications of the government’s demands are chilling.”

Apple CEO Tim Cook said his company will fight a court order, granted to the FBI on Tuesday, that would compel the manufacturer to build what it calls a “master key” for the data held on iPhones.

The case couldn’t be more emotive: It involves the iPhone 5C that belonged to San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwaan Farook. The FBI can’t guess Farook’s PIN code, and if they try too many incorrect codes, the phone may wipe itself. Each time they make a guess, the iOS operating system also adds a delay before they can try another one. Hence, they can’t comb it for evidence.


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1. What is your earliest memory? What does memory mean to you?

2. If someone tries to implant a false memory in your brain, do you think it is possible?

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His fairy wings, pink tutu and ballet pumps suggest this little boy has raided the dressing up box.


But if five-year-old Sasha wanted to wear this every day, his parents would have no problem at all.


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The recent crash involving a Google self-driving car and a bus was "not a surprise", the US transport secretary has said.

Anthony Foxx told the BBC that accidents were inevitable, but that the emerging technology should not be compared "against perfection".

Nobody was hurt in the crash, but it was the first time Google's on-board computer has been blamed for causing a collision.

Secretary Foxx was attending the South by Southwest Interactive festival in Austin, Texas.

He announced that seven US cities - Austin, Columbus, Denver, Kansas City, Pittsburgh, Portland and San Francisco - had reached the final stage of a competition to receive $40m in government funding for "smart" technologies.

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