Good decisions can bring good results.

As a Global Citizen, everyone can share 5 ideas to face climate change/global warming issue.

1.What might recommend stop doing?

2.What might do?

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A group of south London graffiti artists were jailed last week for up to two years for defacing public property. Yet as they begin their sentences, their work is to be championed by a New York gallery.


On the face of it, as a society, we seem to be a little mixed-up when it comes to "graffiti", as you call it if you work in the local council's cleansing department, or "street art" as you say if you're the chap – and they do mainly seem to be blokes – wielding the spray can.

But the confusion now runs deeper than those who spray and those who remove the paint. Great British institutions have been polarised. Last week the might of English law delivered its verdict at Southwark Crown Court where five members of the DPM graffiti crew were jailed – one, Andrew Gillman, for two years – after admitting conspiracy to cause criminal damage costing the taxpayer at least £1m.

By contrast, just down the road, the riverside facade of Tate Modern had been covered in giant murals by six urban artists with international reputations, including Blu from Bologna, Faile from New York, and Sixeart from Barcelona, in the first display of street art at a major museum.

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Matthew Hussey is the world’s leading dating advice expert for women. He has coached millions of women around the world to help them get the love lives of their dreams. 

Look what he said about should the guy always pay?


Q1. The topic of debate: Men should always pay on the date.

Q2. Please share any dating tips for us about how to attract men/women?

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How do people or companies with vested interests spread ignorance and obfuscate knowledge? Georgina Kenyon finds there is a term which defines this phenomenon.

(Credit: Thinkstock)

In 1979, a secret memo from the tobacco industry was revealed to the public. Called the Smoking and Health Proposal, and written a decade earlier by the Brown & Williamson tobacco company, it revealed many of the tactics employed by big tobacco to counter “anti-cigarette forces”.

In one of the paper’s most revealing sections, it looks at how to market cigarettes to the mass public: “Doubt is our product since it is the best means of competing with the ‘body of fact’ that exists in the mind of the general public. It is also the means of establishing a controversy.”

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1. VR went viral in the past few months. Have you experienced it? What is your feedback? Or you can describe your expectation about it in the future.

2. In addition to the applications shown in the clip, is there anyting else you can think of that will be a useful application in the future?


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Please refer this website link.


Q1:Do you have other tips/experience to wake you up?

Q2:How many alarm clocks you setted in the morning? Is it useful? 

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1. Have you ever been caught lying? Are you a good liar and are you good at telling if somebody is lying?

2. The technology mentioned in this clip seems promising. Could you imagine a world without telling lies? Please describe it. Why do people lie? Please share your idea with us.

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Mia Wasikowska in Alice Through the Looking Glass.

How Disney’s princesses got tough

Alot of the talk surrounding Alice Through the Looking Glass, the sequel to the 2010 hit Alice in Wonderland, is centring on whether the film can survive the departure of Tim Burton from the director’s chair, whether Sacha Baron Cohen can pull off another attempt at an orthodox acting role, or whether the project can overcome the near-wholesale jettisoning of the delicate charm of the Lewis Carroll original. Much less attention has been paid to something equally significant: its contribution to Disney’s ongoing project to empower and enable its pre-teen and early-teen girl audience.

If you asked anyone a decade ago who would be leading the charge to engineer this kind of feminist social change – specifically, through influencing the narratives of mass-market blockbuster films – Disney would arguably be the bottom of the list. If anything, it was considered the most conservative of the major studios, with its series of fairytale cartoons playing a significant part in schooling generations of girls in the arts of home-making, dressing nicely and meeting Prince Charmings. Its live-action fare, likewise, conformed to a family-friendly model that relied on the likes of Pirates of the Caribbean, The Princess Diaries and The Chronicles of Narnia.

Now, however, the picture is somewhat different. The impact of certain films has been dramatic: the 2012 Pixar animation Brave, set in a quasi-medieval Scotland;Frozen, the 2013 blockbuster loosely based on The Snow Queen; and the firstAlice in Wonderland. All have featured self-reliant female protagonists for whom romantic love is not the endgame, in stories where male agency has been eliminated or largely sidelined. In effect, boyfriends have been replaced by mothers and sisters as thematic motors. Alice Through the Looking Glass follows the same model: perhaps even more noticeably so, considering that the central figure is 19 and attempting to forge a career as a merchant-naval trader in the far east.

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Breakfast is the most important meal of the day - it's a great start, it's good for you, it stops you snacking, boosts metabolism and keeps you thin.

Well, that's what we've all been told.

But some scientists argue this is all a myth - and that just because we keep repeating it doesn't make it true.

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