f you experience difficulties staying or falling asleep or in obtaining sleep of restorative quality -- common symptoms of insomnia -- you may be interested in learning more about sleeping pills. There are over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications available, and a little research with an overview may help you to find the best option.

Over-the-Counter Sleeping Pills

There are a few sleeping pills that are available as OTC medications without the need of a prescription. These options include:


This naturally occurring hormone may be helpful in treating sleep problems such as jet lag, insomnia and circadian-rhythm disorders.


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source: http://digg.com/newsbar/topnews/we_are_all_living_inside_the_notification_hell

Emails, tweets, notifications, text and instant messages, Facebook status updates, Path moments — all these are new tools of communication when taken together are notification hell. These notifications prey on human desire for a dopamine fix. And just as we are over-caffeinated, I think the 21st century is quickly making us over-notified. (I think this is my second new phrase of the week – the first one being aspirational escape velocity)

The worst part is that there is nothing we can do about it. Apparently Tweeting and checking emails is much harder addiction to give up than cigarettes or alcohol, according to a study by Chicago University’s Booth Business School. No surprise since they are all about attention gone awry. The dopamine fix, I guess is worse than nicotine. Especially since it is free – while a fine bottle of scotch can cost a pretty penny.

What all this multitasking is doing to our brain is hard to imagine. This video by Chris Crutchfield does a good job of being a mirror to our over-notified selves.

video link: http://chriscrutchfield.tv/#2710829/Digitals

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To Dear all : Happy Chines new year , I know some guys are interesting in baseball so I search one , if someone have no interest in this ... then , just chat XD  Wish everyone a great  year!!

Text :   

For several years Yu Darvish, an icon of Japanese baseball, has been dominating batters on the other side of the planet, mostly unseen by Americans other than the legions of scouts and executives who yearned for the day when he would test his skills in Major League Baseball.

That day should come this spring, as Darvish will finally get his chance to pitch in the United States and help Texas Rangers fans forget about the departures of Cliff Lee and C. J. Wilson.

With only minutes to spare before a deadline Wednesday, the Rangers and Darvish agreed to a six-year, $60 million contract, allowing the two-time defending American League pennant winners to add a talented and dynamic pitcher, and perhaps match the recent additions of their rivals.

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The much talked about 2012 has arrived. Inspired by the Mayan 1.prophecy that Armageddon will arrive on Dec. 21, a rush of movies, books, and theories has triggered widespread concern among people around the world. Nevertheless, former vice defense minister Lin Chong-Pin offers new perspectives in his new book titled Global Shift: Exploring the Roots of Rising Disasters published last Friday. Lin says that rather than taking the view that the end of the world is here or ignoring that such a day will ever come, it would be more practical to focus on disaster 2.preparedness and be optimistic for the future.

Weather Risk Explore Inc chief executive Peng Chi-ming said at a press conference last Friday that the global economic cost of natural disasters last year was approximately US$300 billion (NT$9 trillion), making the year the 3.costliest ever. Lin said the end-of-days prophecies are nonsense, but admitted that natural and man-made disasters would become more and more intense in the years prior to 2020.

“Bundle up, it’s global warming” columnist Judah Cohen wrote in the New York Times on Dec. 26, 2010. That is also the first sentence in Lin’s new book. Last year, the National 4.Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced that 2010 was the warmest year since 1880, while the US National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced in 2010 that the past decade was the warmest in 131 years. Strangely, the warmest year also presented the coldest winter in Poland, the UK, Germany, the US and China. In other words, the term “global warming” is a simplification that is part of the increasingly extreme climate. It can only explain some of earth’s surface disasters, but it cannot 5.sufficiently explain underground disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis, disasters in space, such as solar storms, or mass bird and fish deaths and other incidents of unknown cause. On Friday, Lin mentioned that after studying climate changes over the past 100,000 years, scientists have found that 6.fluctuations in atmospheric carbon concentration lagged behind fluctuations in atmospheric temperatures by 200 to 1,000 years. Lin said this phenomenon, known as “CO2 lag,” meant that 7.carbon dioxide levels could not have caused the fluctuations in temperatures. He said the fluctuation in atmospheric temperatures is primarily a result of solar activity and the number of sunspots.

Lin said the earth’s magnetic field is changing faster and faster, which could cause geomagnetic 8.secular variations, geomagnetic 9.excursions, or a geomagnetic reversal. Although there is no 10.consensus among scientists about the relationship between sharp increases in earthquakes and volcanic activity and changes in earth’s magnetic field, a connection cannot be ruled out. Changes in the earth’s magnetic field can cause disruptions on a global magnitude and have an impact on living creatures, but scientists believe that since the earth is still protected by the atmosphere, living creatures will not be exterminated. Nevertheless, changes in earth’s magnetic field are undeniably a new challenge that humanity will have to deal with. Lin stressed that as global disasters are becoming more diverse, intense, frequent, and complex, we should lessen the impact of disaster by improving our own immune systems, finding green energy sources, and stopping the wrangling over whether global warming is man-made or natural.

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Quoted from:http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2012/01/01/chinese-artists-explore-the-nanjing-massacre.html


Chinese Artists Explore the Nanjing Massacre

Jan 2, 2012 12:00 AM EST


A generation of Chinese Artists are Grappling with one of the nation’s greatest tragedies.


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source: http://www.modernman.com/6-common-poker-tells/

Know when to hold ‘em, when to fold ‘em, and how to spot a bluff so you can send your opponents home broke.

Poker nights with buddies are a good excuse to drink booze, smoke cigars, and repeat jokes you heard elsewhere while passing them off as your own. But the fun stops if you watch your entire paycheck go into someone else’s wallet. And while poker is a gameof chance, risk, and probability, you also have to know how to bluff your ass off without seeming like you’re bluffing your ass off. Thing is, your friends opponents will have a similar strategy, so knowing how to read your their tells and hide yours ups your odds of being the one leaving with a stack of loot. To help put your friends in the poor house, we asked poker whiz Mike Caro, author of Caro’s Book of Poker Tells, for tips to help you spot common tells.

Shrugged shoulders, sighs, and a sing-songy voice are ways people display unhappiness with their hand. And if they’re trying to play up how crappy their cards are, they’re probably bullsh*tting you. “People try to sell opponents on what hands they have when they don’t have them,” Caro says. “They’ll act weak when they have strong hands, and they act strong when they hold weak hands.”

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2.selective attention 



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Hey: I don't know whether Will will come and host or not. I think it is late so I post a funny clip instead. 





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A Question of Fairness

source: http://imcmsimages.mediacorp.sg/CMSFileserver/documents/006/PDF/20111211/1112NYP030.pdf

 (Dear all: This is a long article, and I note some paragraphs to point out the main idea with bold style.)


A tempest in a coffee pot is bubbling in the world of “fair trade,” the socially responsible food movement that seeks to lift farmers in the developing world out of poverty by offering them a premium for crops like coffee, cocoa and bananas. And the fight will soon reach your local Starbucks, Wal-Mart and Whole Foods.


Fair Trade USA, the movement’s leading advocate in the United States, angered critics by saying it would cut its ties at year’s end with the main international fair trade group and make far-reaching changes in the sorts of products that get its seal of approval.


The changes include giving the fair trade designation to coffee from large plantations, which were previously barred in favor of small farms. The group is also proposing to place its seal on products with as little as 10 percent fair trade ingredients, compared with a minimum of 20 percent required in other countries.


The group says the changes will benefit more poor farmers and farm workers around the world and make it easier for large corporations to sell fair trade products. Sales of fair trade goods in 2010 were $1.3 billion in the United States and $5.8 billion globally. Fair Trade USA said it hoped to double sales in the United States by 2015.


Critics accuse Fair Trade USA of watering down standards, perhaps motivated by the bigger fees to be earned from certifying a higher volume of products. Some sellers of fair trade products fear that small coffee farmers will lose market share to the big plantations and that companies will have an incentive to include only the minimum amount of fair trade ingredients in their products.


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New research from Norway finds a steep drop in interest in art, literature and classical music among college students between 1998 and 2008.


Are you concerned about the future of the fine arts? New research from Norway suggests you have every right to fret.

A study just published in the journalPoetics suggests art forms such as literature and classical music “are becoming increasingly more irrelevant for most students’ cultural lives.” This points to “an increasingly precarious position for traditional highbrow culture,” according to a trio of researchers led by the University of Bergen’sJostein Gripsrud.

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