Taiwan’s gender balance worsening as more parents abort female fetuses

GIRLS WANTED:Taiwan is trailing only China in the ratio of males to females at birth, with a sex ratio way above what would normally occur without abortions

By Shih Hsiu-chuan  /  Staff Reporter

 Taiwan has the second most serious gender imbalance in the world, partly 1.attributable to sex-selective abortion made possible by the 2.negligence of health authorities in adopting measures to prevent the practice, the Control Yuan said yesterday.

The Control Yuan 3.censured the Bureau of Health Promotion and the Food and Drug Administration, 4.accusing the government bodies of failing to come up with effective measures to 5.crack down on -gender-based abortions.

According to data compiled by the Department of Health, Taiwan’s ratio of males to females at birth from 2004 to last year was between 1.085 and 1.108, higher than the biological 6.norm, estimated at between 1.04 and 1.06.

The sex ratio at birth in -Taiwan was higher than any country in the Organisation for Economic Co--operation and Development, trailing only China, where the one-child policy has led to decades of sex-selective abortions and killings of baby girls.

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Americans' Top Holiday Dreads—Being Nice Makes the List

Crowds and long lines of shoppers are by far what people dread most about this time of year. But more surprisingly, 35 million Americans actually despise "having to be nice" during the holidays, according to our recent poll.

Our survey asked people what (if anything) they dread most about the holidays. A whopping 90 percent noted there's at least one thing that they stress over during the year-end festivities. Along with the chief complaint of holiday crowds, "gaining weight" and "getting into debt" both tied for second-place in top holiday woes among survey respondents.

"For all the chatter about nostalgia(鄉愁;懷舊之情), family fun and gift giving this time of year, many people don't like too much of a good thing," said Tod Marks, senior editor at Consumer Reports.

Holiday Jeers

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This week, let's us discuss this clip I found in the board Joke on PTT. 



Possible new words:

1. summon: v.t. 召喚、召集、召見

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source: http://www.techi.com/2011/11/5-ways-online-education-may-improve-your-social-life/

Among the perks (vi.1. 昂首挺胸;振作(up) vt豎起(耳朵等);昂(首);翹(尾);打扮+up/out; 使振作)(n. 1. 【口】津貼;額外補貼[P1])of attending an online college is the flexible schedule and leftover (n剩飯)time to hang out, read, play video games, or even socialize. Socializing is becoming more and more archaic(a.古式)as the Internet seeps (vi.1. 滲出;漏) into every nook(n.[C]1. 角落) and cranny(n.1. 裂縫) of our lives; we prefer to online date, text, email, or create Vlogs instead of interacting with others face-to-face. A determined individual, however, may actually use their online education to improve his or her social life. Here’s how: 


the most obvious way online education can improve your social life is by giving you the time to do so. With online classes, schedules can be moved around and study time can be anywhere from 4AM to 4PM. It’s your call. Parties can often come to a halt when the designated driver has to leave at midnight due to an early class the next morning, but pursuing an online education will allow you to stay out all night and save your studying for the next afternoon.

Just try not to vomit on your textbooks or computer screen. Time is also a great asset to have on dates, impromptu camping trips, and other adventures. You can’t plan to miss a class, but you can plan your studying around a big upcoming event. It’s a huge drag when all your friends are going out and class stops you from tagging along. Not with an online education. 

Break Taking

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Quoted from:http://www.eturbonews.com/24215/honeymoon-period-china-taiwan-tourism-seems-be-over


Honeymoon period for China-Taiwan tourism seems to be over

Jul 25, 2011

The honeymoon period for mainland Chinese tourists in Taiwan seems to have ended after three years since the government eased travel regulations for mainland tour groups.

Statistics from the Tourism Bureau show that the number of mainland tourists to Taiwan is expected to drop for the third consecutive month in July. The nation saw a 22 percent drop in headcount in May as compared to the same period last year. The drop grew to 28 percent in June.

While the launch of self-guided trips to Taiwan in July might contribute to some of the decrease, as some prospective travelers decided to skip tour groups and wait for self-guided tours, there are reasons to believe people from mainland China have indeed lost some of their enthusiasm about Taiwan.

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“Scientization of politics,” not just politicization of science, weakens scientific integrity.



Government officials often are criticized for “politicizing science” by interfering with scientists’ work in order to advance a political cause.

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Seven deadly sins -- seven lively Asian cities. We all stray off the path of righteousness from time to time.

So if you're going to end up in hell due to a temptation to eat more than your fair share of stinky tofu, take a detour to Taipei first. Or if pride's your vice, take a turn toward Manila.

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Hi all


It seems like the host havn't posted articles so far. On wednesday, either we play board games or share each others' recent activities and hobbies. Do all the chatting in english!.


And I must remind all the members again, please post your artivles on the blog BEFORE SUNDAY NOON.  Please give others members time to read the article and figure out what to share in each meeting.

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Pump Up the Bass: Voters Prefer Deep-Voiced Politicians

Read more: 


Presidential hopefuls may want to start channeling Barry White. Researchers found that voters were more likely to cast their ballots for candidates with lower-pitched voices, and tended to rate them as more dominant and more trustworthy. (Lucky you, Herman Cain.)

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Quoted from : http://www.cnngo.com/explorations/life/10-hostel-mates-you-meet-hell-425328?page=0,0

10 hostel mates you meet in hell

The moocher, the clinger, the snob. You've probably bunked with at least one of these irritating roommates on your travels

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