This week let's watch a clip on youtube about two years ago, but just got my attention recently.


Lily's parents surprised Lily with a trip to Disneyland for her 6th birthday. Her reaction is priceless!

We're getting numb in this society, people don't care about each other, and feel insecure easily, 

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see the video:



Writer and director Gary Turk urges everyone to put down their gadgets in his poem Look Up. The video is a touching montage of a lost young man falling in love with a woman who gives him directions, and their life together without the hindrance of social media.


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In classic animated features like Dumbo and Bambi, mothers were often an endangered species (and in the case of Frozen, still are). It took a half-century before Pixar showed moms who could be strong (The Incredibles) and, well, hairy (Brave)

How many mothers have emerged from a family trip to a Disney movie and been obliged to explain the facts of death to their sobbing young? A conservative estimate: the tens of millions, since the studio’s first animated feature, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfspremiered in 1937. Innocent parents might have thought that a musical cartoon version of a fairy tale would be a child’s ideal introduction to movie magic. Yet Walt Disney taught moral lessons in the most useful way: by scaring the poop out of the little ones.

As kids watched Snow White succumb to the poison apple proffered by the witch who was also her stepmother, they literally stained the seats of movie palaces with the first rush of primal anguish. Disney features, especially the early ones, were horror movies with cute critters, Greek tragedies with a hummable chorus. Forcing children to confront the loss of home, parent, friends and fondest pets, these films imposed shock therapy on four-year-olds. That psychic jolt could last a lifetime — or at least until the toddlers grew up and subjected their own children to the very same animated ordeals that they had undergone at the same age.

Those first Disney classics defined childhood as an unrelenting series of nightmares. In a backstory that suggests a palace murder spree as lurid as Hamlet Act Five, Princess Snow White (voiced by Adriana Casselotti) has been orphaned, with the dead King and Queen replaced by a stepmother (Lucille La Verne) who forces the dauphine into scullery-maid servitude. As vain as she is vindictive, the new Queen reacts to her talking mirror’s news that she is no longer “the fairest of them all” by ordering a huntsman to kill Snow White. The girl can survive only by fleeing her home and depending on the kindness of seven small strangers, for whom she cooks, cleans up and enforces cheerful discipline — becoming, in essence, the dwarfs’ doting mother.

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With the advancement of psychology, marketers are quickly finding it’s the incognito messages that have the greatest impact in sales.

There are a whole slew of unconscious factors that affect why we buy. Below are four factors that influence human behavior and how to utilize them in your process.

1. Marketing to your neurons. In the mid-1990s, a group of researchers were experimenting with how neurons controlled physical movements. The team had implanted electrodes into a monkey’s brain to monitor its brain activity for the project. During the study, one of the researchers was eating an ice cream cone when he noticed the monkey watching him had a spike in its neural activity. The monkey appeared to be having a physical experience just by watching the researcher have his own physical experience by eating the ice cream.

Related:  How to Get More Visitors to Click, Buy or Promote on Your Site

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How to trust your instincts


When I bought the house we now live in, my husband was away on a two-day business trip. Three hours after he left, a couple offered the full asking price for our old house. I gratefully accepted and, the next morning, went to look for a new one.Ours was the third one I saw. I stepped through the door, felt instantly at home and made an offer on the spot. Nine years later, we’re still here, my husband (eventually) forgave me and I still love the house.There was no logic involved in the decision and even less caution. I relied purely on instinct. But while mine was proved right on that occasion, how do you know when to trust your ‘inner voice’ in business, relationships and other dilemmas — and when you should ignore it in favour of plain common sense?


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Perhaps in a calmer, more innocent era — if there ever was such a thing — April Fools' jokes made more sense. Nowadays the world seems overrun with Impractical Jokers,Crank Yankers and Ali G-type tricksters. And gags that once might have made us smile make us just, well, gag.

So in the midst of a daylong celebration of "Kick Me" signs,caramel onions and Oreos filled with toothpaste, we remind everyone of 5 April Fools' Pranks That Broke Bad:

1) Radio Recklessness: Disc jockeys are notorious for over-the-top April Fools' Day tricks. On the first of April 2002, a pair of Kansas City DJs scared listeners by announcing that water in nearby Olathe contained high levels of a "naturally occurring substance" — dihydrogen monoxide. Side effects included increased sweating, urination and pruniness of skin. Dihydrogen monoxide is H2O, or water. About 150 concerned citizens called the water department, and more than two dozen dialed 911. "It's a terrorist act," a city official said. Last year, Florida DJs pulled the same silly stunt.

2) Uniformly Wrong: In the wee hours of April 1, 2000, a noisy exploding thingy known as a "bear banger" — so-called because it scares bears — continued to go off in a mess hall at a military base in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. One officer took shrapnel in her leg and another received a cut on his face. A 31-year veteran was accused of the prank. He eventually appearedbefore a military panel and was reprimanded, fined $5,000 and stripped of his command.

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Traveling is one of life’s great joys. It’s a way to see the world and learn about places you’ve never been before. Here are some ways to help you make the most of your travel experience.


1. Plan for the unexpected

An itinerary can be helpful, but you won’t be able to plan everything down to the smallest detail. How could you possibly have known about that little restaurant at the back of that alley before you arrived, or that friendly local who invited who into his house to hear him play the santuri? Often, the best parts of a trip are a result of an adventure.


2. Not getting what you want or getting what you didn’t want can be a blessing in disguise

When you have to take a later bus or a different ferry, you have no choice but to accept it. This is how a lot of successful people learn to be happy when things don’t go their way.

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The five must–have leadership traits




These days in business, there is one thing all managers need to know: forget what you used

to know about being a manager.

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Microsoft's acquisition of Nokia's devices and services business will be finalized as of this Friday, April 25.


Microsoft acknowledged the transaction-completion date in a blog post on April 21.

As of Friday, Nokia's handset and services business is part of Microsoft. Microsoft announced its intentions to purchase this part of Nokia for $7.2 billion back in September 2013.

There have been a few tweaks to the deal between the time of announcement and the close preparation process, according to today's blog post. Specifically, Microsoft will manage the domain and social-media sites for "up to a year." In addition, Microsoft is not going to purchase Nokia's Korean manufacturing facility, which was originally slated to be part of the deal.

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