7 Lies Men Tell Women

By Dr. Joyce Brothers from Reader's Digest

The topic of trust is an important factor in all matters of the heart — and here’s why. Men lie to women. Women lie to men. And most people agree that some lying is even necessary — to avoid petty squabbles and to grease the wheels of a relationship.

But there are crucial differences in the lies women and men tell. A study by psychologist Bella M. DePaulo of the University of Virginia found that when women lie, they tend to focus on making others feel better — such as the woman who tells her hostess that dinner is “simply delicious” even as she cringes with every mouthful.

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What are the best ways to save money in 2011? It depends on your lifestyle and personality. For instance, How much debt are you in? What's your money personality? How many kids do you have? How much money do you make? What are your money goals for 2011?  

These money saving tips work for most people most of the time. They're more psychological than the "same old same old" ways to save money -- and I've used every one of them to save $3,000 for a trip to Hawaii in a few weeks!  

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The announcement came that my flight is going to be delayed by another hour. I actually love airports and have many pleasant memories associated with them, other than those times when I was either being interrogated by Italian custom officials or being taken for a drug smuggler by their American counterparts. Yet, I love the rush of the crowd, anticipation of a new journey, bittersweet pangs of parting, slight fear of take off, and impatience to arrive. My maternal grandfather was the director of a factory that transformed fighter jets into passenger planes, and I grew up surrounded by airplane parts. The airplane is perhaps the first thing I recall from childhood. I remember floating dahlias from my grandmother's garden in one of the containers made from a jet fuel cell. The silvery sides reflected intense sunshine, while the inner sides were coated with green slime from the constant contact with water. I would bend over the canister bringing my face closer to the sweet smelling water until my grandmother would warn me that I might fall in and drown. Somehow that did not scare me at all. Instead, I was fascinated by the silver well that tapered towards the bottom.

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Tip for Insomniacs: Cool Your Head to Fall Asleep


Can't sleep? If darkening the room doesn't help, you might try a cooling cap.

Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine reported this week at the annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies (APSS) that keeping the brain cool may help people with insomnia to catch more z's.

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Americans are counting their pennies these days, taking a close look at everything from the cost of milk to the cost of their mortgages. A college education is one investment under fire.

Since World War II, owning a house and getting a college degree was the American dream, a sign that you have truly made it. In 2009, more than 70 percent of high school graduates enrolled in college — nearly twice as many as in 1960.

College-bound students have reached the highest numbers on record, while the cost of obtaining a degree has skyrocketed. Today's sticker price has roughly tripled since the '80s. But unemployment rates are still higher than usual, and that's part of what has triggered concern over the benefit of college.

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When it comes to laying down cold, hard truth and dispensing common sense, my dad rivaled Benjamin Franklin in the quantity of his output. Everything was a potential lesson; every moment was an opportunity for teaching. And I’m not just talking about familiar adages and aphorisms like “A stitch in time saves nine” or “The early bird catches the worm.” He said those, too, of course, but my dad’s particular brand of life advice was a bit, umm, quirkier. He didn’t teach me how to change a tire or file my own taxes, but in honor of Father’s Day, I’d like to share with you my dad’s guide to making it through life. This is the stuff you really need to know.

Life Advice #1: Be Suspicious of Mayonnaise
When I was about seven, I remember my dad walking me through an airport, past an array of premade sandwiches at a counter. He pointed and said, “Allison, if you’re ever choosing something to eat in public, never pick something with mayonnaise on it. You don’t know how long it’s been sitting there.” As I got older, he refined this rule to acknowledge that mayo in a restaurant or at somebody’s house was usually okay, as long as the food was made fresh or the mayo came from a sealed packet, but that I should always be wary of premade food with mayonnaise. These were wise words. I spent more than twenty years
assiduously avoiding BLTs and chicken salad platters. And then the one time I broke the rule and indulged in some mayonnaise at an outdoor burger place? A wicked case of food poisoning. Gah.

Life Advice #2: If You Walk Behind a Horse, You’re Going to Step in Shit

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Quoted from :


Game Arthritis

A systemic study of video games induced diseases

What are the real effects of digital gaming to our fingers, hands, and bodies? The conformity of interfaces produces deformity. It’s a fact. Call it “the reality of the virtual”. Prolonged vicarious aggression lead to permanent physical disfiguration. Gaming activities produce real consequences for the users. Research has been conducted for years in several clinical laboratories across the globe but doctors and researchers are not willing to share their findings with the general population. However, evidence of new technologically-induced diseases is now becoming known outside of the scientific community. These pathologies - labeled collectively “Game arthritis” - are officially not “recognized”. The authorities have dismissed this hidden epidemic as “mass hysteria”. But according to some scientists - who speak under condition of anonymity fearing ostracization - these undiagnosed disorders are the psychopathology of ludic societies. Digital technology is indeed damaging users’ fingers, arms, postures… Even their DNA is compromised. Game arthritis is not supposed to exist. Game companies do not want to talk about it. Clinicians and dermatologists do not want to discuss it. Labs refuse to run tests. And yet, thousands of players manifest similar symptoms. Thousands of players feel real pain in their bodies. Affected subjects are not delusional. Photos and images are beginning to circulate on the internet. We have collected a few samples.

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By Meg Baker
Published June 10, 2011 |

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Are you satisfied with what you have now? Are you chasing a better life?

The OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) 

 has unveiled a new, interactive index that will let people measure and

compare their lives in a way that goes beyond traditional GDP numbers.

Called Your Better Life Index, the tool is part of a larger OECD Better Life

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Ron Gutman: The hidden power of smiling
Q1: How many times do you smile everyday?
Q2: What is the most happiest thing in your life?
Q3: What are sources of your happiness?

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